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Showing posts from February, 2015

Drag Queens and Blackface

February 5th 2015 Kurt von Behrmann Media, Tyler Perry's successful feminine side dispensing homespun wisdom and from time to time butt kicking. When Mary Cheney asked the question of why “Drag Queens” were acceptable and “Black Face” unacceptable, it was clear she was going to find some answers.   More accurately, she was going to set the internet ablaze with responses.   However, there is something more to the question, particularly given the source.                 The underlying question here is of moral equivalency.   If we, the American public, allow “Drag Queens” to debase woman and it is acceptable, perhaps we should also allow for “Black Face” being that it ridicules African-Americans.    The working assumption is that they are both about debasement and ridicule.               ...